What does working at Casavo mean?

To build a company means to build a society model. The founder of a firm is not concerned about creating and testing a business model, he needs to build a set of rules, principles and ideals which will determine both the relationships between the people working within the agency, and between those people and the outside world.

On average, during a lifetime, you spend 13 years and 2 months working (we’re talking about a sum of the total hours): this clearly shows how much companies are crucial in shaping culture, not only inside the company itself, but also towards the outside, the family members and the acquaintances of the person who dedicates time to the company.

These ideas have always been clear to Casavo and they result in our commitment to build a positive working environment, that will not only help you enjoy the time you spend at the office but also outside of the office, by limiting – in a positive way – the separation between work and life. Several times, in fact, we see life as full of opportunities and work, on the other hand, as a yoke.


Why do you focus on culture so much?

The reason why we had a brilliant result in the survey carried out by Great Place to Work, is our aim to build a positive culture. People working at Casavo got the questionnaire about 1 year after the foundation of the firm; the benefits that a startup (or scaleup, if you prefer) can afford are minimal, we assisted to an exponential growth (at the time of the survey the company had 25 employees and all of them were hired during the first year of operation) leading to a loosening of the relationships between the founder and the new employees, that in the beginning were very close. The culture, thus, has to be solid and positive and particularly welcomed by the person that joins Casavo.

One of our guiding principles is to avoid self-celebration as much as we can, therefore, even in this script, we will simply tell the facts: with our participation to the GPTW survey we have ranked as fourth Best Workplace in Italy.

We know that this result represents just a step on our uphill path, that will be harder in the future.

We’re about to open in 2 new cities; our aim is to cover the first 6 Italian property markets and during 2020 we will be venturing other Southern Europe nations.

Will we be able to maintain this level of satisfaction in being part of such an ambitious project? Will we be capable of maintaining culture intact, the value that guide us every day?

We’ll do our best for sure, because businesses are made of people for the most part and we’re convinced that if we continue to care of each other, we are going to be able to take care of our company too.



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