COVID-19 crisis and Casavo’s response

There are many factors, unfortunately, that are not under our control, as citizens as well as service providers. All of us have had our lives turned upside down in these past few weeks with the arrival of coronavirus (Sars COVID-19) in Italy. The impact of this event has been significant, for all of us and all our work activities.

In these past weeks, we have worked to identify the implications that COVID-19 will have for our business, to be able to guarantee our service to our clients. Furthermore, we have asked ourselves how we could try to support other players in the real estate sector who find themselves in difficulty due to the measures related to the epidemic.

Here we will tell you about some of the implications of COVID-19 for our business and our responses to these.

The health of our team before everything

From the very beginning, Casavo extended to all its employees, whenever possible, first the possibility and then the obligation to work remotely, in line with the new measures required by law. The decision was taken to guarantee the health of our team and to avoid contributing to the spread of the virus. All the employees of Casavo, who previous to the emergency had the possibility to work from home 4 times a month, adapted to the new situation to ensure all our services to our clients.

We sped up the launch of our application for doing remote property tours

The launch of this application is part of the larger plan that we have been working on over the past few months to simplify the real estate selling experience. We were founded more than two years ago with this mission and, with this new app, we have decided to concentrate on one of the most stressful parts of the selling process: the property visit. The appointments to view your house by potential buyers are often numerous – more than 20, as some of our clients have told us – and they force you to let strangers into your home, and to arrange your schedule based on someone else’s needs.

As of today, all this will change in a radical way. Thanks to the new Casavo app, selling your house will be even easier: you can let us conveniently visit your house from your cell phone, and be free from the weight of having to organize and deal with in-person visits.

The development of this new app took several months of work. We had planned to launch in the coming months, but given the complex situation we are facing due to the COVID-19 virus, we decided to move up the release date. This instrument will permit us to support our clients even during the complex time we are living in right now. We can, in fact, facilitate and speed up the real estate selling process and, at the same time, comply with all the obligations outlined in the law relating to the coronavirus emergency (DPCM March 9 2020).

The rapidly changing scenarios of recent days have pushed us to update our plans. To be able to release this technological instrument in a timely manner, and to restore vitality to the real estate market in a moment of crisis, we decided to leave out some secondary functions that we had already designed. For this reason, any advice or suggestions are more than welcome and will help us to optimize the instrument in the coming weeks. Casavo application is available today for all individual customers who are interested in selling their house.

We are committed to developing technological solutions for our partners

Because the current emergency situation is putting our partner real estate agencies in a difficult position, in the coming weeks we will make the application available to them as well so we can provide our support in this complex moment. Furthermore, we are working closely with our partners to be able to develop technological solutions that can help support them in their business activities.

The first solution launched for our partner is the renovated listing showcase of our website, which is now enriched by our partners’ listings.

During these complex weeks, which have been challenging not only for the professionals in our industry but also for private individuals, we’ve decided to concentrate our energy on creating a space that provides the maximum emphasis on high-quality real estate listings. As of today, thanks to our portal which already covers Bologna, Florence, Milan, Rome, Turin and Verona, looking for a house has become even easier and within everyone’s reach.

The big news about our portal is this: listings that are suitable for publication will be evaluated and selected with care before being published online. So, you can forget your worries and dedicate yourself fully to finding your future home. The Casavo portal will be accessible only to an authorized group of real estate agents who will be able to publish real estate listings in line with our high-quality standards. This will allow everyone – from agents to potential buyers like you – to be able to count on our high standards of reliability and professionalism that have always distinguished the Casavo world.

Casavo’s new portal offers a solution to exactly this issue in order to guarantee the best quality and to minimize the effort needed to search for your future home. In fact, you will find:

  1. High-quality listings with high-definition photos and accurate details, both of which are necessary to get a clear idea before making an appointment to view the home.
  2. Qualified real estate agents who have earned Casavo’s trust, so you are assured the most professional and competent intermediaries.
  3. Technology that is constantly evolving and responding to your needs in order to simplify your life as much as possible.

Furthermore, our service will be totally free to the agents who are inserting the real estate listings.

We have studied the impact of the emergency on the real estate market and we continue to monitor the effects

We find ourselves facing a new challenge that will have a significant impact on the real estate market in both Italy and in Spain. In the past few weeks, we have studied different scenarios that we can anticipate happening in the future, also by comparing the situation to the epidemics of the past. We will share this information during a webinar with our CEO, Giorgio Tinacci, to help those who work in our sector to imagine the future that awaits them. We are also working with researchers and experts in the sector to create useful informational material to understand the impact of the epidemic.


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