Claudio’s story

Casavo takes care of a series of tasks and it’s a significant time saving for working people.


Can you tell us a little bit about your old apartment?

My sister and I decided to sell the apartment which used to belong to our mum. It was a very sweet one bedroom apartment in Via Cabella in a very pleasant but also very convenient and suburban area.


What made you sell it?

When our mother passed away we decided that it’s best to keep the apartment but without using it or renting it out. I am sceptical about renting so didn’t really consider the option of a long-term letting agreement because you never know who you could have to deal with; another possibility was to transform it into bed & breakfast but in that case it would have been necessary to find someone to take care of it. I know that companies dealing with this kind of work are capable of doing it on their own but the apartment was my second house and I don’t believe that there is a booming market in that area to guarantee a continuous rent. Therefore we decided to sell it.

Had it already been on the market before contacting Casavo? If yes, how long was it on the market for?

I tried to publish an advertisement and had about 25 people interested, 24 being estate agencies. I put an ad on Immobiliare and Subito and it was a sort of investment because I paid for the ad for 3 months with the possibility for it to appear at the top of category listings every week. Actually, I need to say that there was great response in the first week but there were all agencies. Those were agencies that wanted to be intermediaries between my sale and the purchaser. The problem was not to pay their commission but I couldn’t rely on 25 different agencies. It wasn’t worth it. What’s more, I decided to experiment a bit in the first 15 – 20 days to see what kind of response I would have without any intermediaries.

I have to say that I experimented with this type of selling for a short while only, also because I was contacted by Casavo soon afterwards.

How did you discover Casavo and what made you entrust the sale to us?

I didn’t know Casavo but was contacted by phone by Daniele who had found my advertisement on websites I put the apartment for sale on. After our conversation he came round and viewed it as well as explained how it works with Casavo. So everything started from there.

I have to say that I instantly had your proposal which, in theory, was very interesting so we needed to put it into practice. I followed your procedure and managed to sell my apartment immediately. There were some bureaucratic aspects which caused a slight delay given the fact that the apartment was inherited and there were extra documents to provide but this was only a problem of bureaucracy and not the process itself.

How did you find this selling process?

Casavo takes care of a series of tasks: it’s true that there is a cost involved but, quite frankly, it’s the same result with the market negotiations. Furthermore, the cost gets compensated by the fact that it’s not necessary to follow the process until the sale agreement so it’s already time saving for people who work. Then in reality it is much easier to sell a property, also because you manage to refurbish it and add more value to it.

Would you recommend Casavo to someone?

Yes, I would definitely recommend this selling process. I’ve spoken about it to some people – out of curiosity because I was hit by this new formula and also to let some people know about purchasing a property.


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