Alessandro’s story

I didn’t think it was possible to sell a house through an app, but Casavo changed my mind!


Hi Alessandro, tell us a little about your previous house.

My previous house was the first home I ever owned, purchased when I had just started working and suited to the needs of a young guy living with his girlfriend. But then our family grew, our needs with regards to the type of house changed and the size of our home was no longer adequate. For these reasons we decided to make a change.


Before deciding to sell, did you also think about renting it out?

Actually, no, I only wanted to sell it. But having come to this decision 2-3 weeks prior to when the Covid-19 epidemic broke out, for a minute I considered giving up on everything and staying in my old home: I was afraid to have people come into my house and I cancelled all the visits I had scheduled. However, shortly after, I came across a great deal on an apartment in my building and I made the definitive decision to sell.

When you began the selling process, was Casavo your first choice?

No, in the beginning I had put advertisements online. I didn’t want to use a classic real estate agency because when I was purchasing my first home I hadn’t had a pleasant experience. Furthermore, I work at a bank in the real estate sector, so I know something about how the market works and what the dynamics are.

As soon as I published an ad, several people contacted me, but the problem is that when you sell privately you expect to receive more decisive and concrete communication, but instead people often remain vague and in the end you really waste a lot of time.

What was your first impression of Casavo?

I only found Casavo after, when one day I was on the internet and your advertising banner appeared. I had already heard your company name, but I didn’t really know who you were. Once I went on the website I tried to understand a little about how your service worked and I said to myself “let’s give it a try.” I filled out all the information for my house and I was contacted after a few days by Gianmarco. Initially, I have to tell the truth, I was a bit sceptic about the process. I didn’t believe it was possible that it could be this easy to sell a home, usually you are used to long times and stressful dynamics. After explaining the process to my wife, even she was surprised by how simple it could all be. Then I decided to research further, and I found that instant buying in America has been a huge success. We know that Europe always moves slower, so I decided to trust you and my choice really proved to be a winning bet.

You are one of our first clients to have sold their home through our remote visit application. Can you tell us something more?

So, once I had filled out the request on the website I got a call from Veronica, who explained to me how to download the Casavo app and also made an appointment for me that very afternoon. At the time of the appointment, I received a call from Gianmarco and through the application, we activated the procedure for a remote visit. It was like making a call via WhatsApp. I went around the house and described the various rooms, just like having someone there in person. After having gone all the way around the house we hung up and I sent in more photos to give you more details.

There were never any in-person visits by you, and after about a week I received a purchase offer and only the appraiser came to verify that everything was in line with what I had stated during the online valuation.


Was the promise kept to “sell your home in 30 days”?

Yes, I would definitely say yes. There was a week of slowdown, but considering that everything occurred during the Covid-19 period I would say that it is totally acceptable. Furthermore, from your end there was a lot of flexibility given to me: I wasn’t able to vacate the house before mid-July, because having a family with children it wasn’t possible for me to organize an immediate move, but I have to say that even for this you found a compromise for my needs, allowing me to manage everything more easily.

Speaking specifically of the offer that you received, did it meet your expectations in terms of the purchase price?

Yes, I had done some research and in general I had an idea of the possible sales price for my home and your offer was in line with what I was prepared to accept.

Can we therefore say that you are happy to have sold to Casavo?

Absolutely yes, and I would recommend it. The process with you was so easy that I could not do otherwise. When you bring innovation to the market, you always have to deal with people’s initial skepticism, but if in fact the formula is successful, sooner or later everyone gets on board. Who knows, maybe in a few years we will all be selling houses through an app!

We wish you good luck taking the next step in your life!


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